We are pleased to announce that the 13th Conference on Methods and Applications of Fluorescence: Spectroscopy, Imaging and Probes (MAF-13) will be held in Genoa, Italy, from 8 to 11 September, 2019. The congress will take place in the Magazzini del Cotone, Porto Antico, Genoa Congress Center. The opening ceremony will be in the prestigious building of Palazzo Ducale. This Congress Center is in the Center and offers a magnificent environment for a successful scientific meeting.
MAF conferences, which started in Graz (1989, 1991), are held now every two years in different European countries: Prague (1993), Cambridge (1995), Berlin (1997), Paris (1999), Amsterdam (2001), Prague (2003), Lisbon (2005), Salzburg (2007), Budapest (2009) and Strasbourg(2011) have acquired a high international reputation.
MAF-13 will gather experts from all over the world to discuss the state of the art in all aspects of fluorescence techniques and their applications. The conference is aimed at researchers from universities, research institutes and companies, and also students, who apply fluorescence-based technologies in their research and products. It is highly multidisciplinary and will bring together scientists working in areas such as biophysics, chemistry, physics, biology, pharmacology, medicine, bioengineering, nanobiotechnologies and (nano)materials.
Volcanoes are an interesting field of study right now and has regained interest due to the formidable energy available in them and their craters.